
February 12, 2011 at 8:22 am Leave a comment

Ahh, today was nice. We got to pick up my mom from the airport. 😐 But I didn’t even get to see my boyfriend at all, today. 😦 I wish I didn’t have a retarded substitute bus-driver this morning. Blame it on him! DX

It was freaky this morning, too! Like we have this cheese at our bus stop, right? Like a stinky cheese from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Anyways, there was blood on it. D: Yeah, Hunter and I were freaking the freak out.

God, John was being a weirdo again today. He’s this dude at my bus stop. :6 Hunter brought a hot dog to the bus stop and called it his wiener and was throwing it at John saying ‘eat my wiener!’ It was funny until John ran across the road until the bus came to pick us up. Haha

Entry filed under: Days Go By.

BAH!! Love you

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